Legionella Inspection

Legionella inspection is a crucial part of safety and health compliance. As you know, Legionnaire’s disease has a causative bacterium called Legionella. It’s a severe lung inflammation (pneumonia), caused by infection. Inhaling the bacteria is how you contract the disease. If you have a weak or compromised immune system, you are more susceptible to this disease.

The causative bacteria, Legionella pneumophila, can multiply in various water systems such as mist air conditioners, sprayers, decorative fountains, showers, whirlpools, physical therapy equipment, faucets, pools, and hot tubs. You can also contract the infection through inhalation of contaminated soil and water. As such, it is vital to have a regular legionella inspection in your area.

It is ideal that an environmental consultant conducts a thorough Legionella inspection in your residential or commercial building. This professional is highly trained to perform the Legionella inspection on the structure’s water system. The consultant carries out an onsite sampling method. The Legionella testing is always based on the type of water system, present in the structure. After the onsite testing, the Legionella inspection moves to another level. The environmental consultant takes water samples then brings them to an accredited laboratory.

A professional environmental consultant conducts an appropriate and comprehensive Legionella inspection in every home or establishment. Open water systems such as pools, cooling towers, and evaporative condensers should have a quarterly routine Legionella testing. Certain circumstances may require more sampling. On the other hand, closed water systems (hot and cold water) do not need close monitoring because they are not prone to contamination. A Legionella inspection may be conducted on the closed systems is there are doubts in disinfection, temperature, and control.

If you want accurate results in Legionella testing, you have to hire an experienced environmental consultant. Legionella inspection should always be conducted properly, to achieve optimal health.
